My Last (Favorite) Meal

If you knew that whatever you ate next would be your last meal, what would it be?

It would be my favorite meal, which is prime rib, very rare: a baked potato with butter, sour cream and chives; and asparagus. This is my very favorite meal that I order whenever we go to a beef place like a steakhouse. I have other favorite meals that are seafood and pasta but this is my all-time favorite meal.I love beef but rarely eat it. I save it for a special occasion, such as a birthday. I know eating a lot of red meat isn’t good for you so that’s why I don’t order it unless it is a special occasion. But if it were my last meal, I’d figure, “What the heck?” and go for the prime rib!

About mairedubhtx

I am a "youngish" grandmother of 15 year old twin granddaughter who has recently (is a year "recent"?) adopted Islam as my way of life, much to the consternation of my family. I love to read. I love to write. I am writing a book about my decision to revert, about my spiritual journey. I have another blog about stories from my youth, my parents, and grandparents. It's a blog so my OCD daughter will not be able to throw it out when I die. I suffer from depression and anxiety, for which I am treated, so my posts may be a bit dark at times. C'est la vie.
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2 Responses to My Last (Favorite) Meal

  1. That just made my stomach growl! My favorite too!! I would add some garlic bread 🙂 xoxo

  2. I don’t believe that I have one particular favorite meal. Depends upon the day and season. Some days I could be vegetarian, other days I too enjoy beef – or any meat, really. Seafood – that seems perfect. Sweets! How about a meal of cake and ice cream and pie and cookies and candy and puddings? It’s all a toss up and would depend on how hungry I am, and what appeals at the spur of the moment! 😆

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