Daily Prompt–I Pledge Allegiance

Are you patriotic? What does being patriotic mean to you?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us COUNTRY.

I think I am patriotic. I love my country. I believe in America. I love the land of my birth. I love its institutions, the land itself, the people of the country. I am an American through and through.

patriotismGodBlessAmericaI do my civic duty. I vote. I serve of juries. I obey traffic laws. I attend city meetings. I try to be a good citizen. I contribute to my community by volunteering in various community projects. I’m good to my family. I’m a good member of my religious group and our religious group contributes to the community.

The first time I ever really felt like I was an American was when I got my first passport. I realized that wherever I went, I would be recognized as an American citizen. It was heady stuff to me. I might be a citizen of the world but to the world, I was an American citizen.

I also feel like an American citizen every time I go to vote. That is an awesome responsibility and a privilege. We must use this honor and use it wisely. It is important for our way of life to continue in this country. Our system of elected officials needs our input to continue and our informed vote helps it to continue uninterrupted.

I believe I am patriotic. I love being an America. I cry when America has been hurt and I rejoice when America rejoices. I am an American.

About mairedubhtx

I am a "youngish" grandmother of 15 year old twin granddaughter who has recently (is a year "recent"?) adopted Islam as my way of life, much to the consternation of my family. I love to read. I love to write. I am writing a book about my decision to revert, about my spiritual journey. I have another blog about stories from my youth, my parents, and grandparents. It's a blog so my OCD daughter will not be able to throw it out when I die. I suffer from depression and anxiety, for which I am treated, so my posts may be a bit dark at times. C'est la vie.
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3 Responses to Daily Prompt–I Pledge Allegiance

  1. I’d say you qualify 🙂

  2. I Am Jasmine Kyle says:

    There is something about being from America that makes us defiant and unyielding. I love my country and my roots. I am TRULY from this land! Great post!

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